Submission messages are designed to help you:
Collaborate effectively with everyone involved in the submission process.
Stay updated on the progress and discussions related to the submission.
Every submission has its own dedicated submission activity thread, offering a comprehensive overview of all messages posted and other actions performed on the submission.
Posting a message
You can engage in dialogue with anyone who has access to the submission, such as other researchers, company user and triagers, by posting messages. To post a message:
Open the submission.
Scroll down to the 'Activity' section.
Click on 'Add message'.
Compose your message.
Click on 'Send'.
Mentioning a user
To mention a user, simply type "@" followed by the username of the person you want to address. You can mention anyone who contributed to your submission.
💡Mentioning user groups such as '@triage' is not supported.
When you post a message mentioning one or more users, all the mentioned users will receive an email and platform notification.
Receiving a message
If you have the submission updates communication preference enabled, you'll receive an email notification whenever you receive a new message or are mentioned in a message.
On the platform, submissions with new messages or mentions are easily recognized by a red dot as shown below. To get an overview of all submissions with new messages or mentions, you can apply the related filter.