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Notification settings

This feature allows you to tailor intigriti communications to your needs and make them fit your personal operational flow.

Written by Lise
Updated over a week ago

At Intigriti we do our very best not to overload your inbox with emails by selecting our communication target audience very carefully and by giving you the opportunity to set your own communication preferences.

Not receiving emails? Head straight to the FAQ.

Where can I find my communication preferences?

You can access your communication preferences and manage your Intigriti communications (except for service mails) in one of both ways:

  • Personal Communication Settings
    Personal avatar in top right corner > Preferences > Communication preferences


To receive notifications about programs and submissions, you also need to have notification settings enabled for the program you wish to receive notifications for. To enable this, go to:

Program / Dropdown menu: Members/ enable notifications for the members who should receive notifications.

  • Any personal unsubscribe link in notification mails
    Unsubscribe > Enter email address > Show all communication preferences

How does it work?

As a company member, you can configure the types of information that you would like to be provided with pro-actively. By turning on a communication category, you will automatically receive all emails that are part of the described category, for all groups and programs on which you have enabled the notification setting for. Programs and Groups that have the notification flag disabled, will not pro-actively warn you.

  • Some of these categories contain a single email that is sent on a regular basis (such as Product updates and Newsletter)

  • The majority of categories however will contain multiple mail notifications that will only be sent when a specific event occurs (e.g. Program activity or Submission activity)

Which communication categories exist?


A weekly overview of what is happening in the community

Product updates

A bi-monthly overview of platform features and optimisations

Group activity

Notifications related to Group access modifications on one of the Submissions in your Programs

Submission activity

Notifications related to events or actions on one of your Submissions

Program activity

Notifications related to events and actions on one of your Programs

Program membership

Notifications related to Program Membership modifications

Batch operations

Get a notification when your Batch Export is Completed

Intercom reminders

Reminders of your conversations on Intercom (support)

Important side note: When turning a communication category off, all emails of the selected category will no longer be sent, regardless of the concerned Program or Group.

Target audience

As mentioned earlier, we try not to overload your inbox by selecting the notification target audience very carefully. Following target audiences are defined:

Group activity

You will only receive notifications if you are a group member or admin

Submissions activity

You will only receive notifications if you are assigned to the submission

Program activity

You will only receive notifications if you are a program member, editor or admin

Program membership

You will only receive notifications if you are a program member, editor or admin


What do I need to do in case I (don't) want to receive notifications for a specific Group or Program?

If you only want to turn notifications of for a specific Program or Group, you should...

  • Leave the Communication Category activated in your Personal Communication Settings

  • Have your Company, Program or Group administrator turn off the Notifications flag on Program or Group membership level

These settings can be found here:

  • Personal Communication Settings
    Personal avatar > Edit settings > Personal information

  • Program Notification Switch
    Program > Members > Notification switch on Member row

  • Group Notification Switch
    My Groups > Member overview > Notifications Switch

I am not receiving notification emails

  • Go to your Communication Preferences in your profile in the top right corner and check if you have already enabled the concerning Communication Category. Program activity, submission activity, groups activity - if applicable - are the most important ones.

  • Check (or ask the concerning admin to check) if your group/program notifications are turned on on program level.

    • Program > Members > Notification switch on Member row

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