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Company message templates
Company message templates

Enhance communication uniformity and efficiency.

Written by Lise
Updated over 12 months ago

Message templates are designed to help you:

  • Save time and effort : Templates save time and effort by providing a predefined structure or content that can be reused as a starting point. This reduces the need to start from scratch and allows you to be more productive, as they can quickly adapt and build upon existing templates.

  • Enhance consistency and facilitate standardization: Templates ensure that similar situations are approached consistently. This consistency is critical for maintaining quality, compliance, and adherence to best practices across your programs. It helps in creating a unified and predictable workflow.

💡Templates can be particularly useful. For instance:

  • When a researcher submits their first entry to your program.

  • When your team begins reviewing the submission.

  • If the review process is taking longer than anticipated.

  • When requesting feedback from a researcher regarding their submission.

  • When rewarding a bonus to a researcher.

  • For structured communication within your team.

  • ...

Managing templates

You can effortlessly manage, i.e., add, edit, or delete your message templates by navigating to 'User dropdown > Message templates'. When creating a template, simply fill in the title and content.

To assist in crafting personalized templates that seamlessly adapt to specific use cases, enrich your templates with variables and placeholders.


A variable can be incorporated into a template by typing "{{" and choosing one from the available options in the dropdown:



{{ Username }}

Your username

{{ Researcher Username }}

The name of the submitter

{{ Company Name }}

The name of your company

{{ Program Name }}

The name of the program the submission is part of.

{{ Submission Title }}

The title of the submission


A placeholder can be incorporated into a template by typing "{{ placeholder text }}"

When successfully saved, the message template become available in the message markdown editor.

Sharing templates

To enhance consistent messaging, company administrators can distribute frequently used templates to all your company members. Once shared, the template becomes accessible to everyone. This facilitates uniform communication both internally and externally.

💡You can configure your own personal shortcut for each template that is shared with you.

Once a template is shared, all company administrators have the ability to manage it, including the options to edit, delete, and unshare. If the template is unshared or deleted, it will no longer be accessible to the company members.

Inserting templates

There are two ways to insert a template into your submission message markdown editor:

  1. You can locate a template by choosing one from the message template dropdown on the submission details page.

  2. Alternatively, you can use your personal shortcut by typing "/" followed by the shortcut name.

The selected template will be inserted and variables will be automatically filled.

💡To reduce the chances of accidentally sending out unfinished messages, placeholders are highlighted.

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